inner child work

Have you seen the viral tiktok where people remember that being hard on themselves also means being cruel to their inner child? Our inner critic can be quite brutal. Our simplest mistake can often lead to negative self-talk. But would we talk to the child version of ourselves the same way? Imagine yelling at your five-year-old self for spilling your drink, forgetting to make your bed, or not being present enough for your loved ones. We wouldn’t do that. It can seem easier to forgive our mistakes when remembering that that child version of ourselves still exists inside us all. 

Find a picture of yourself at a younger age. Imagine what it felt like to be you in that moment. What did you love? What was important to you? What were you missing from your support system? Next time you do something “wrong” or make a “mistake” think about that younger child. What would you say to them at that moment? You’ll find that you are much more patient and forgiving. 

