Super Bloom: Part 2 - Blossom
Persephone Rising
Welcome to part 2 of our spring zine! The sun is coming around more often, the flowers are beginning to poke through the snow, and some of us are beginning to feel awake again; Persephone is rising.
If you’re still in dormant-mode though, that’s ok! Wait on engaging with this zine until you’re feeling ready to emerge from your rest. If you’re starting to feel your energy come back a little, or wanting to find ways to move forward into the new season, this is for you.
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
Renewal Ritual
Over the last few weeks, we’ve been noticing themes of renewal coming up for a lot of people. Whether the discussion is around outgrowing old friendships, break-ups, moving, starting new jobs, or just a desire to turn over a new leaf in self development, starting over seems to be on many of our minds.
Like snakes shedding their skin, it’s good for our growth to leave behind things that no longer fit us. This is uncomfortable, but it can be nice to remind ourselves of the necessity of this process and the positive feelings it can lead to long term. Consider engaging in this renewal ritual as a way to absorb and internalize the intention to allow change to refresh and revitalize us.
mix your potion
Combine coconut oil and sugar (in whatever amounts appeal to you) to create an exfoliating scrub.
Identify the old
Think about the things that you would like to leave behind. What comes to mind? Whether it’s old habits that no longer serve you, relationships you’ve outgrown, or other significant changes in your life, list the elements of these old situations that you would like to move beyond.
Use your sugar scrub on your hands or your body (whatever is most comfortable to you) and imagine that, as you exfoliate your skin, you are also sloughing off every other thing that you are ready to move past. Rinse off your scrub and release these things from your life as it washes down the drain.
Welcome the new
As you dry off, consider applying lotion or moisturizing oil and exploring what you would like to welcome into your new life. Do some journaling about the things you are looking forward to.
Springtime Vibe
Bridge the gap between your hibernation period and this new life by setting a springtime vibe for yourself through various forms of media. Below, you’ll find a playlist, a YouTube video with spring ambiance, and more!
Thank you for reading our spring zine! We’ll be back in a few months for another zine focused on the themes of playfulness, creativity, and the freedom of the summer season.